- 摘要:本文首次报道了胶州湾潮间带和沿岸区的耐铬菌数量分布。讨论了耐铬菌的若干生态意义。发现沉积物表层的耐铬菌数量大,但水中的耐铬菌出现频率高于沉淀物的。找到了CT/AA与样品含铬量间的正相关。指出CT/AA可作为环境铬污染的一个重要指数。试验了耐铬菌耐Cr3+、Cr6+、Hg2+和降解原油的能力。认为耐铬菌对环境污染有适应、忍耐、抵抗乃至降解的能力。耐铬菌在环境污染物(首先是铬污染)的迁移、转化活动中起重要作用。它们是水生微生物区系的一个重要组成部分。耐铬菌的耐铬能力为它能参于铬污染的消除活动赋于强大活力。
- Abstract:The work was conducted during the period of 1979.6-1980.8. The primary results obtained are as follows:1. There are a great number of Cr-tolerant microorganisms, particularly Cr-tolerant Bacteria (abb. CTB) and a higher ratio of CT/AA in every station of the surveyed zone. The amount of Colony-Forming Units (abb. CUF) of CTB (abb. CT) is 4.69×106-1.08×l08CFU/g with an average of 3.52×107CFU/g in sediment, and 5.69×104- 3.51×106 CFU/ml, with an average of 1.44×106 CFU/ml in water, respectively. The amount of (ratio of) CT/AA is 0.0021-0.1094, with an average of 0.0304 in sediment and 0.007-0.3106, with an average of 0.0977 in water, respectively.2. Most CTB are often accompanied by a higher concentration of chromium, varying with stations and samples. Some results have demonstrated a close relationship between CTB and Cr-concentration of sample. The correlation between CFU number of total heterotrophic bacteria (abb. AA) and Cr-concentration is negative, while, positive correlation is found only between CT/AA and Cr-concentration. Therefore, increase of CT/AA may be regarded as an important index of severity of Cr-contamination in environment.CT shows certain kind of seasonal fluctuations.3. 16.67% of the strains selected can tolerate a Cr3+ concentration of 1176 ppm; 16.7% can tolerate 600 ppm Cr6+. It is found that many of CTB have a steady Cr-tolerant ability. So CTB may be thought of as an important remover of Cr-pollutant in environment.4. 67.69% of the strains selected can-tolerate 30 ppm Hg2+(in the presence of 168 PPm Cr3+); All of the strains can be utilized to degrade petroleum.Based on these data, it may be concluded that CTB has a powerful ability to adapt, to remove and/or degrade environmental complex pollutants. They may play an important role in purifying action in the environment so-called self-purification.CTB therefore in contaminated environment takes up important ecological significance.
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