- 摘要:本文作者为研究环境中的硒与大骨节病的关系,于1978—1981年在陕西省不同自然类型区的130余个大骨节病点和非病点,采集了饮水、土壤、粮食与儿童发样进行硒的分析研究。结果表明,病点均处于硒很低的环境,其中95%以上的病点饮水含硒量在0.2ppb以下,粮食含硒量(小麦、玉米平均值)在10ppb以下,反映人体硒水平的发硒含量,478名儿童中有92%在110ppb以下。但是,没有大骨节病的地区则处于较低硒、中硒和高硒环境。同时,经估算每日由水、粮供给人体(儿童)的硒量,看出5.4μg左右是非病点每日由水、粮供给硒量的最低值。从所有地点的分析结果看出,大部分地点的粮食供硒量占水、粮供硒总量的90%以上,说明粮食是这些地区人体摄入硒的主要来源。但是在粮食硒含量低的地点,无论是非病区或病区范围内,只要水硒含量高,就无大骨节病。 作者还介绍了在病区对患病儿童采取补充硒的措施,可以提高发硒含量达到非病区儿童的发硒水平,同时对预防大骨节病有明显效果,这就进一步证明了大骨节病的产生很可能与环境中的硒低有关。
- Abstract:In order to study Kaschi-Beck Disease in relation with environmental selenium, authors have collected samples of driking water, soils, various kinds of grains and children's hair from 130 locations in both affected and nonaffec-ted areas according to different natural and geographical types in Shanxi Province from 1978 to 1981, and also analyses of selenium were made in these samples. It can be seen from the results that the disease-affected areas all are of an environment where the selenium content stands very low, for exemple, in drinking water less than 0.2ppb, in grains (average of wheat and corn)less than 10 ppb over 95% of the samples examined, while in hair, which reflects Se content in human body, less than 110 ppb over 92% of 478 children. In contrast, the areas where there shows no Kaschi-Beck Disease are of an environment with low, medium and high Se content in water, soils and grains.The amount of Se provided for the children from water and grains has been calculated 5.4μg or so the lowest daily uptake in the non-affected areas. It can also be shown by analyzing the results of the samples in all the locations that the amount of selenium in grains consists of up to 90% of the total amount of Se in grains and water in most locations in the areas, and it has also indicated that grains are the main Se source in these areas. But in areas where Se content in grains is low and that in water is high, Se from water may have a bigger contribution to Se in human body, and thereisn't Kaschi-Beck Disease so far found.Preventive measures have been taken by periodic oral admission of sodium, selenite (Se 1 mg/week) or salts with small amount of sodium selenite (5mg/kg) has proved to be effective to raise the Se content in hair of the children in the disease affected areas.
摘要点击次数: 1971 全文下载次数: 3289