
  • 杞桑,林美心,黎康汉.用大型底栖动物对珠江广州河段进行污染评价[J].环境科学学报,1982,2(3):181-189

  • 用大型底栖动物对珠江广州河段进行污染评价
  • 关键词:
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杞桑
  • 暨南大学生物系
  • 林美心
  • 暨南大学生物系
  • 黎康汉
  • 广州市环境监测站
  • 摘要:本文利用大型底栖无脊椎动物对珠江广州河段的污染进行生物学评价。 两次调查中发现该河段底栖动物群落主要由水栖寡毛类、多毛类和软体动物中的河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)等三大类群组成。在多毛类少于40%情况下,寡毛类与河蚬的数量百分数呈显著的负相关。相关系数γ=-0.9639。 Shannon-Weaver种类多样性指数不能反映本河段底栖动物群落特征与污染的关系。根据本河段底栖动物群落结构的实际情况,提出下列生物污染指数公式。 生物污染指数=log(N1+2)/[log(N2+2)+log(N3+2)](N1、N2、N3分别为寡毛类、多毛类和河蚬的数量)对本河段的污染现状予以评价。文中还就公式存在的问题作了简要讨论。
  • Abstract:Samples ,of benthic macroinvertebrates commonly used in assessing water pollution were taken from Guangzhou reach of Pearl River, one of the largest in South China. Within a range of more than 70 km along the river, 15 stations were set up to collect samples in August and December, 1980, which fell on the high and the low water season, respectively. It has been found that the benthic macroinvertebrate community was mainly composed of three major groups, e. g. aquatic oligochaetes, polychaetes, and Corbicula fluminea (Mullusca). Distributions of these animals were much different between the two sides of the river, oligochaetes mainly on the left side, where receives most of discharges from the city of Guangzhou. The individual numbers in percentage of oligochaetes and Corbicula were significantly negatively correlated. Its correlation coefficient r=-0-9639.A simple Biological Pollution Index based on characteristics of the river community has been developedBPI=N1+2)/[log(N2+2)+log(N3+2)](N1、N2、N3represent the individual number of oligochaetes, polychaetes, and Corbicula per square meter, respectively) . The indices are grouped into four classes to evaluate the water quality:<0.5 clean0.5-1.0 moderately clean 1.0-5.0 polluted >5.0 seriously pollutedand have been used to indicate the river pollution levels throughout this study. Results show that the BPI is more expressive in evaluating water pollution than the Shannon-Weaver diversity index. Both pros and cons of using the BPI equation have been discussed.
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