
  • 苏维瀚,沈济,张秋彭,殷兴军,宋文质,路洪荣,刘静宜,袁纪文,郑学海,沈士珍.天津地区大气污染状况和气溶胶硫酸盐的研究[J].环境科学学报,1982,2(4):329-341

  • 天津地区大气污染状况和气溶胶硫酸盐的研究
  • 关键词:
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 苏维瀚
  • 中国科学院环境化学研究所
  • 沈济
  • 中国科学院环境化学研究所
  • 张秋彭
  • 中国科学院环境化学研究所
  • 殷兴军
  • 中国科学院环境化学研究所
  • 宋文质
  • 中国科学院环境化学研究所
  • 路洪荣
  • 中国科学院环境化学研究所
  • 刘静宜
  • 中国科学院环境化学研究所
  • 袁纪文
  • 天津环境保护监测站
  • 郑学海
  • 天津环境保护监测站
  • 沈士珍
  • 天津环境保护监测站
  • 摘要:我们于1980—1981年对天津市大气污染物浓度做了同步监测,对天津市大气污染状况,二氧化硫转化为硫酸盐的过程及其对大气能见度的影响做了研究。以超Ci几率和的方法处理数据,研究结果表明,大气污染以早晨最严重,傍晚次之,中午较轻:冬季比夏季污染严重。各种污染物中以硫酸盐对大气能见度的影响最大,总颗粒物次之。当大气相对湿度大于70%时,对大气能见度的影响比较突出。颗粒物中的苯溶物对大气能见度有一定的影响。城市中相对湿度高时硫酸盐浓度大,可能是产生冬季烟雾事件的原因。下风方向的硫酸根浓度与二氧化硫浓度的比值和硫酸根含硫浓度与大气总硫浓度的比值均比上风方向相应的数值高,说明城市燃煤烟气是硫酸盐的来源。城市中硫酸根浓度与二氧化硫浓度的相关系数为0.77,硫酸根与颗粒物浓度的相关系数为0.95。在形成硫酸根的过程中二氧化硫浓度和颗粒物可能有贡献。以一维有源简化模式估算二氧化硫转化为硫酸根的速率常数,约为2.3±1.1%/hr,冬季约1.5%/hr。二氧化硫的迁移距离约为17—340km。
  • Abstract:Simultaneous measurements of concentration of air pollutants were made all year round 1980-1981 at about 20 monitoring stations in the city of Tianjin and its suburbs where coal is the major fuel. Meteorological data and visibility were recorded. These data were statistically analysed to determine the state of air pollution and the effective scattering efficiency of aerosol, especially sulfate, and to find the sources of ambient aerosol sulfate and coverage of its influence. The reaction rate constant of the transformation of SO2 into sulfate was calculated.It is found that ambient air in a city with coal as the fuel is polluted moderately at noon, more seriously in the evening and most seriously in the morning, no matter whether it is in winter or in summer. Sulfate appears to scatter more light at a given mass concentration of aeresol. The contribution of parameters to the scattering efficiency is in the order of decrease as follows: sulfate, relative humidity of air, TSP, gaseous pollutants. The reason of v:sibility reduction in a city with coal as the fuel probably is the synergistic effect produced by sulfate and relative humidity.The ratio values (SO4-)/(SO2), (SO4-)/(TSP), S (SO4-)/S (SO4- + SO2) at the upwind of the city are smaller than these at the downwvnd. It shows that sulfate may be formed in ambient air from SO2 due to coal burning. The average reaction rate constant of SO2 transformation into sulfate in summer is higher than in winter. The results suggest that SO2 and particulates play an important role in the formation of sulfate in the ambient air. It is estimated that transport range of sulfate is longer than that of SO2. So air quality and visibility in the city and its downwind region are deteriorated by sulfate more seriously than by SO2.
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