
  • 王景华,钟义.海南岛某些热带植物的地球化学特征[J].环境科学学报,1983,3(2):123-131

  • 海南岛某些热带植物的地球化学特征
  • 关键词:
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王景华
  • 中国科学院地理研究所
  • 钟义
  • 海南大学
  • 摘要:海南岛地带性植被为热带常绿季雨林.因生态环境的不同.还有热带雨林、热带山地常绿阔叶林和稀树草原植被等、土壤类型和地球化学成分及植物的种类,决定了海南岛某些植物的地球化学组成.根据热带主要植被类型的树种分析,得到了Si、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Ni、Ca、Pb、Mg、K等十种元素的平均背景含量.针叶树和草本植物中Si、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的含量要比阔叶树高.营养元素Ca的含量以针叶树高,Mg和K含量以草木和阔叶树为高.同时,植物根、茎、叶等各部分的元素含量也不尽相同.热带植物、土壤、岩石中Pb的背景值分别是40ppb、20.9ppm、28.8ppm.公路旁的木麻黄树(Casuarina equisetifolia)叶中的含Pb量为264ppb,皮含Pb为2400ppb.这可能与公路附近空气污染有关.
  • Abstract:The present work was conducted to study tropical forest located in Hainan Island in Southern China. The climate of that area is of typical monsoon, with an average annual rainfall of 2000mm in eastern part of the Island, and 1000mm in western part. The Hainan Island itself has a clear-cut dry season from November to April, when rainfall is only about 20% of the total. Due to variety of ecological environment, the evergreen monsoon forest, tropical rain forest, tropical deciduous forest, evergreen broadleaf forest, and savannas all grow in Hainan Island. 77 tree species have been collected from tropical forest. Content of Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni, Ca, Mg, K, in the tropical forest of Hainan Island area was determined by atomic absorption method. The mean values of these elements in various plants are given.Content of Si, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, in coniferous tree and herbosa is higher than those in the broadleaf tree. Higher concentration of Ca as a nutrient element was seen in coniferous tree, but higher concentration of K and Mg was seen in herbosa and broadleaf tree. Samples obtained from different parts of plant, including root, stem, leaf and bark show a rather great difference in elemental content.Background value of lead in tropical plants, soils and rocks is respectively 40ppb, 20.9ppm and 28.8ppm. The Casuarina equisetifolia growing nearby highway contains higher concentration of Pb than those faraway from it. Pb content in leaf and bark is 264ppb and 2400ppb respectively. It can obviously be in connection with atmospheric pollution nearby the highway.
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