
  • 魏开湄,吴维中.石油烃在沈抚灌区土壤中的生物学降解模拟[J].环境科学学报,1983,3(2):156-163

  • 石油烃在沈抚灌区土壤中的生物学降解模拟
  • 关键词:
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 魏开湄
  • 中国科学院林业土壤研究所
  • 吴维中
  • 中国科学院林业土壤研究所
  • 摘要:本文根据模拟实验结果,论述了石油烃在沈抚灌区土壤中的生物学降解规律及其动力学特征.实验结果表明,用20号重柴油混入供试土壤后,于第70天石油烃中的烷烃和芳烃均已降解至该土壤的背景值范围.石油烃在土壤中的降解,符合一级反应动力学方程.
  • Abstract:Based on results of simulation test, biodegradation patterns and their dynamic characteristics of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils of Shenyang-Fushun irrigation region are discussed in this paper. Results show that after mixing heavy diesel oil No. 20 with the tested soils, the amounts of which used correspond to a total oil quantity in wastewater containing 5 and 10 mg oil/1 in a growing season irrigating the paddy soils, saturated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in oil degrade to background values of the corresponding at 70th day after culture. The cancer-inducing benzo (a) anthracene and other strong carcinogen benzo (a) pyrene can also degrade to a very low level within a relatively short period of time. Therefore, from the viewpoint of environmental biology, in a form of land treatment, paddy soils irrigated with wastewater containing 5 and 10 mg oil/1 will not tend to accumulate various components of hydrocarbons in soils. Biodegradation of hydrocarbons in soils is of a first order dynamic equation. Judging from t1/2 values, degradation rates of components of hydrocarbons show little difference between 5 and 10 mg oil/1, but increase markedly in case of 100 mg oil/1. Therefore, in land-treating process of oil waste regular addition of small amounts offers better results than with a large amount at a time. Degradation rate of other components of hydrocarbons decreases in following order: saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons<aromatic hydrocarbons; anthracene <fluoranthene<benzo (a) anthracene<benzo (e) pyrene<benzo (a) pyrene. According to time required for degradation of components of hydrocarbons to the corresponding soil background values under tested conditions, which are calculated by biodegradation coefficient k irrigating or land-treating with wastewater, the oil content of which is higher than the irrigation standard, may not bring in harmful accumulation of hydrocarbons such as benzo (a) hyrene in soils and thus provide unprofitable effect to the soil-plant system within a relatively short time.
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