
  • Donald J.Reish,吴宝铃,范振刚,钱培元.镉和铬对多毛类环节动物小头虫两个种群的效应[J].环境科学学报,1983,3(4):346-351

  • 镉和铬对多毛类环节动物小头虫两个种群的效应
  • 关键词:
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • Donald J.Reish
  • 美国加利福尼亚州立大学长滩分校生物系
  • 吴宝铃
  • 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所
  • 范振刚
  • 中国科学院海洋研究所
  • 钱培元
  • 中国科学院海洋研究所
  • 摘要:本文系首次就同一有毒物质(如镉和铬)对一种多毛类(如小头虫Capitellacapitata)两个在地理上隔离很远的种群(如太平洋东岸加利福尼亚长滩种群和太平洋西岸青岛种群)的效应进行的实验性研究.青岛种群和加州长滩种群铬的96小时半致死浓度分别为0.063mg/l和1.7mg/l.镉的96小时半致死浓度分别为1.0mg/l和0.6mg/l.对上述镉和铬两个种群的数值.讨论了敏感的原因。文章还对截至目前已发表的小头虫以及其它多毛类96小时半致死浓度的结果进行了比较.
  • Abstract:The purpose of this investigation was two-fold: (1) to compare the effects of two toxicants, cadmium and chromium, on two populations of Capitella capitata, and (2) to initiate a marine bioassay program at the Institute of Oceanology at Qingdao. These two metals were selected for study since they occur in elevated concentrations in industrial wastes discharged in the Qingdao area. The effect of these two metals on polychaetes has been reviewed by Reish (1980) and Eisler (1981) and summarized.The data for survival of the two populations of C. capitata to chromium and cadmium are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The calculated 96h LC50 to chromium was 0.063 and 1.7mg/l for the Qingdao and Long Beach populations, respectively. Analysis of these data indicates that the difference in results with these two experiments is statistically significant. The calculated 96h LC50 to cadmium was 1.0 and 0.6mg/l for the Qingdao and Long Beach populations, respectively. The difference between these two LC50's is not statistically significant.The 96h results indicate that the Qingdao population of C. capitata was significantly more sensitive to chromium than the laboratory bred Long Beach population; however, the Long Beach population was slightly more sensitive to cadmium than the Qingdao specimens. It is possible that the field collected specimens of C. capitata had not been acclimatized to laboratory conditions for a sufficient length of time prior to experimentation and, furthermore, the laboratory bred Long Beach population was obviously more adapted to the laboratory environment.Comparison of the 96h LC50 data with the published results of others (Table 3) show that these figures for cadmium were lower than previously reported for adults of the C. capitata. However, if the previous results with C. capitata are used for comparative purposes, then several species are more sensitive to cadmium than C. eapitata.
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