
  • 陈家宜.低层大气湍流度的参数化估算[J].环境科学学报,1985,5(1):85-95

  • 低层大气湍流度的参数化估算
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  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈家宜
  • 北京大学地球物理系
  • 摘要:水平和垂直风向的标准差是划分大气扩散类型的有效参数.本文提出了一种合理估算σθ和σ?的参数化方法.在分析中无因次湍流速度的标准差σv/u*和σw/u*按近年来边界层大气湍流研究所得到的规律确定,无因次风速u/u*依高度的高低分别接近地面层的风速廓线规律和幂次律推论.结果表明σθ和σφ同时依赖于大气稳定度类型、边界层厚度、地面粗糙度和高度.在实用中地面粗糙度可按常规经验确定,大气边界层的稳定度性质和L可按P-T稳定度分类推论,但是边界层高度必须通过与温度廓线有关的信息确定.
  • Abstract:Outlined here is a simplified parameterization technique to estimate standard deviation of the horizontal and vertical wind direction fluctuations, σθ and σψ, in lower atmosphere, which have been known as more suitable indice for dispersion classification. In this approach, the nondimensional turbulent velocity fluctuations σγ and σw are formulated in terms of atmospheric boundary layer scaling, based on reported data in recent decade in the study of whole depth boundary layer. The nondimensional wind velocity u/u* is determined by using flux-profile relationships and power law respectively in surface-stress layer and outer layer.It has been shown that σθ and σψ are dependent on parameter set of height, roughness, length of surface, and stability and depth of ABL. As a res.ult, diffusion categories can not be obtained with confidence ifonly individual parameter among them is used for determination of σθ and σψ. Under unstable conditions, a notable result is the variation ofσψ with height, which turns out to be distinctly different from that of σθ. Simply estimation of σψ with σθ a appears to be in substantial error.Figures and nomograms for σθ and σψ are presented for typical conditions of surface roughness, depth of ABL and stability of lower layer, which as ordinarily determined in Pasquill-Turner's method. Suggestions are made towards practical application of these results in interpretation of field data. The results are likely to be useful for adapting typing scheme of σv and σz.
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