
  • 宋力夫,杨冠雄,郭来喜.京津地区旅游环境的演变[J].环境科学学报,1985,5(3):255-265

  • 京津地区旅游环境的演变
  • 关键词:
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 宋力夫
  • 中国科学院地理研究所
  • 杨冠雄
  • 中国科学院地理研究所
  • 郭来喜
  • 中国科学院地理研究所
  • 摘要:旅游促进了文化古迹的修复和保护、城乡建设的发展和环境的美化,但同时又导致旅游资源的破坏、生态平衡的失调和传统文化的改观.旅游与生态始终是既相互作用又互为依存.京津地区旅游环境的基本特征之一是背山面海、地形多样,拥有北国少有的多种绮丽风景资源和多种形态的风景地貌.特征之二是历史悠久、古迹遍布.随着历史上帝王都城的兴建,近代都市人口的急剧增加,不合理的经济活动使永定河上游及山区植被破坏日益严重,从而导致生态环境失调与旅游环境的破坏,其中以植被的破坏与减少.山泉湖泊的消失与水源的污染对旅游环境带来的不良后果尤为严重.根据当前京津地区旅游业蓬勃发展的新形势,本文对如何防止环境质量下降提出若干建议.
  • Abstract:Tourism can help renovation and protection of ancient relics and historical sites, and accelerate urban construction and beautify environment. Tourism may, however, promote damage to scenic places and resources, dislocate ecological balance and bring changes to traditional customs. In that case tourism and ecology are complementary in both positive and negative ways.Beijing and Tianjin Area is with mountains on its north and faces sea on the east. This area is of a diversified topography and commands -miles long of beautiful scenic spots which are rare in North China. All these constitute one of the fundamental features of a tourist environment, namely the natural characteristics.Another feature is that this area comes down from a long history, especially Beijing, and places of historic interest can be found almost everywhere. As early as in the period of Warring States, Yan's capital Ji here had been in the form of a metropolis in North China. From Liao and Jin Dynasties down, Beijing had been officially become the political center of North China. Afterwards, the three dynasties of Yuan, Ming and Qing in succession made Beijing their capital and political center of the whole country. After taking great pains to build the capital for seven centuries, tourist resources of this area are without any doubt, unique and exclusive in richmen and abundance in royal style and fashion.In the course of constructing an imperial capital, population grew rapidly and hence the economic activities. Thus the vegetation of the upper reaches of Yong Ding River and its peripheral mountains had to be destroyed to make room for living space. Inevitably, imbalance of ecosystem was brought about and destruction of tourist environment done with it. In all, destruction of vegetation, vanishing of mountain springs and lakes, and pollution of water, all produce a seriously adverse effect on tourist environment.In view of the present booming business of tourism in Beijing and Tianjin area, this paper takes the opportunity of putting forward some of the proposals and suggestions against increasing deterioration of the environmental quality as a whole.
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