- 摘要:本文介绍一座新型氧化塘的研究和设计.该塘污水停留仅一天,表面负荷140g/m2·d.当原污水BOD5为100mg/L、SS为120mg/L时,经初沉池分别去除30%和50%,至氧化塘出水BOD5和SS均为30-40mg/L.经过各阶段试验和120m2/d中间试验均达到预期效果.现已用于广州大坦沙15×10m/d污水处理厂设计.
- Abstract:A new design of lagoon was proposed with a one-day retention time and a 140g BOD5 per square meter surface area per day loading rate. When a wastewater with BOD5 of 100mg/L, which has been pretreated by a primary settling tank (remove efficiencies for BOD5 and SS were 30% and 50% respectively) was discharged into the lagoon, both BOD5 and SS in the effluent of the lagoon were reduced to 30-40mg/L. The design was tested both in laboratory and on a pilot scale and has been adopted for construction of a sewage work with 150,000m3/d capacity in Datansa, Guangzhou.
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