
  • 王宏康,J.M.Wood.四种藻类植物对镍的耐受性及其中毒的变化[J].环境科学学报,1987,7(3):347-352

  • 四种藻类植物对镍的耐受性及其中毒的变化
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王宏康
  • 北京农业大学
  • J.M.Wood
  • 美国明尼苏达大学淡水生物研究所
  • 摘要:四种纯种培养的藻类植物对镍离子的耐受性不同。衣藻属(Chlamydomonas sp.)可耐受10ppm的镍;栅列藻属(Scenedesmus sp.)5ppm;颤藻属(Oscillatoria sp.)1ppm;聚球藻属(Synechococcus sp.)0.02ppm。受试的两种绿藻比蓝纯菌(蓝藻类,Cyanobacteria)对镍离子毒性的抗性大得多。本文还报道了影响这些藻类对镍的敏感性和抗性的某些环境因素,并阐明了一些抗性的机制。
  • Abstract:Nickel tolerance was shown to vary widely among four axenic cultures of alga plants. A Chlamydomonas sp. was found to tolerate 10ppm of nickel, a Scenedesmus sp. tolerated 5 ppm, an Oscillatoria sp. 1 ppm, and Synechococcus sp. 0.02 ppm. The two species of green algae were found to be much more resistant to nickel poisoning (i. e. up to three orders of magnitude) than the two species of cyanobacteria tested. A wide variety of environmental factors determining the susceptibility of algae to nickel and a molecular basis for resistance by extracellular complexation as well as cellular elimination were also discussed.

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