- 摘要:根据大气中实际存在的一些痕量气体(如SO2,H2S,NH3,HCl,HNO3和HNO2)的背景浓度的新近资料,利用化学平衡模式进行了计算。结果表明,这些本底痕量气体和降雨强度均影响降水的酸度,使其pH值在3.93—4.46范围内。此外,气溶胶的酸碱性和浓度也强烈影响降水的酸度。同时考虑大气中痕量气体背景浓度和碳酸钙后,降水的pH值在4.0—5.4之间。对降水酸度随降雨强度变化的规律,用Lowry-
- Abstract:Based on chemical equilibrium model calculation using background values of a number of trace gases including SO2, H2S, NH3, HNO3, HC1 and HNO2, it was shown that the pH value of the precipitation is in a range of 3.93 to 4.46 depending on the contents of the gases as well as the intensity of the precipitation. The composition and the concentration of the aerosol also effect the acidity of the precipitation significantly. Taking calcium carbonate into account, the pH range of the precipitation should be in 4.0 to 4.5.
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