
  • 张辉,马东升.南京地区土壤沉积物中重金属形态研究[J].环境科学学报,1997,17(3):346-352

  • 南京地区土壤沉积物中重金属形态研究
  • 基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张辉
  • 南京大学地球科学系, 南京 210093
  • 马东升
  • 南京大学地球科学系, 南京 210093
  • 摘要:对南京地区4个环境单元---公路干线、金属冶炼厂、大型生活垃圾场和江河滩涂土壤沉积物中重金属元素(Cu, Pb, Co, Fe, Ni, Mn)化学形态进行了分级提取实验研究。结果表明,有效态中,Cu以有机态为主,Pb以交换态为主,Co、Mn以铁锰氧化物态为主,Fe、Ni有效态均小于其总量的10%, 并主要集中在铁锰氧化物态中。以大气为传播媒介的重金属人为叠加沉积(公路、工厂)其铁锰氧化物态含量相对较多,以水为传播媒介的重金属人为叠加沉积(垃圾场、江河滩涂)其有机态含量相对较多.研究区土壤中重金属对植物的
  • Abstract:Four areas, a metal smelter, a large plot of rubbish from human daily life and a shoal of river in Nanjing, were studied for metal fractionation in soil by sequential extraction of Cu, Pb, Co, Fe, Ni, Mn. The extraction effect were evaluated by the measurement of Ca, Al and Si content from each extraction step as well as the result of X ray analysis. It was demonstrated that the available Cu is mainly bound to organic matter, Pb to exchangeable, Co and Mn to Fe Mn oxides. Available Fe and Ni are less than 10% of their total content and mainly in the Fe Mn oxides. In residue, Mn is 22.8%—33.4% of its total contents and Co is 24.5%—67.1% its total contents, while others are more than 50%. Heavy metals inputed through air (highway, smelter) are mainly bound to Fe Mn oxides and those brought in by water (plot of rubbish, shoal of river) mainly bound to organic matter. For availability to vegetation in Nanjing region, Pb is the most important one, Co and Cu are next, Ni is least.

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