
  • 周启星,朱荫湄.西湖底泥不同供氧条件下有机质降解及CO2与CH4释放速率的模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(1):11-15

  • 西湖底泥不同供氧条件下有机质降解及CO2与CH4释放速率的模拟研究
  • Simulated studies on degradation of organic matter and release of CO2 and CH4 in sediment from the west lake under various oxygen supply conditions
  • 基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金;中国科学院南京土壤所土壤圈物质循环开放研究实验室资助
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 周启星
  • 浙江农业大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310029
  • 朱荫湄
  • 浙江农业大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310029
  • 摘要:采用密闭培养实验装置于室温(25℃左右)及pH为7.5条件下,对西湖底泥中有机质完全降解及转化为CO2和CH4的速率进行了模拟研究。结果表明,在西湖湖水现有供氧水平(5.0-8.6mg(O2)/L)条件下,底泥中有机质完全降解的速率最为缓慢,培养期间(42天)平均只有0.72mg(C)/(kg·d).当湖水供氧水平进一步上升(8.6→12.0→16.0mg(O2)/L),CO2释放速率增加,最大值可达到8.7mg(C)/(kg·周);当湖水供氧水平下降(8.6→0mg(O2)/L),CH4释放速率加快,最大值可达到4.6mg(C)/(kg·周).
  • Abstract:Rates of complete degradation of organic matter in sediment from the West Lake and its changes into CO2 and CH4 were simulatively studied with the closed culture experimental installation. Under the current oxygen supply level(8.6 mg(O2)/L) of the West Lake water, the rate of complete degradation of organic matter in the sediment was slowest. The average degradation rate was only 0.72 mg(C)·kg-1 ·d-1 during the whole culture time. The release rate of CO2 increased with the increase(8.6→12 0→16.0 mg (O2)/L) in oxygen supply levels of the West Lake water. The maximum release rate of CO2 was up to 8.7 mg (C)·kg-1 ·week-1 under the experimental conditions. The release rate of CH4 also speeded up when dissolved oxygen in water decreased. The maximum release rate of CH4 was up to 4.6 mg (C)·kg-1 ·week-1 under the airtight culture condition.

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