
  • 盛昌栋.我国动力用煤煤灰自身固硫特性的统计分析[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(1):77-80

  • 我国动力用煤煤灰自身固硫特性的统计分析
  • Characteristics of sulphur retention in ashes of chinese coals used for power generation
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 盛昌栋
  • 东南大学动力系,南京 210096
  • 摘要:对186种我国典型动力用煤在实验室制灰条件下煤灰自身固硫特性的统计分析表明,含硫量越高的煤,其Ca/S以及Mg/S、2Na/S和2K/S摩尔比一般越低,因而其煤灰固硫率也越低;钙对煤灰自身固硫起主要作用,固硫率随Ca/S比的增加呈指数增加;而煤中其它碱性成分对固硫也起一定的作用。
  • Abstract:The characteristics of sulphur retention in laboratory prepared ash was statistically analyzed based on regular analytical data from a set of 186 coal samples.It is shown that the higher sulphur content of coal is,the lower molar ratio of Ca/S and molar ratios of Mg/S,2Na/S,2K/S are,thus the lower percentage of sulphur retention in ash is.Calcium plays a primary role in sulphur retention,and the percentage of sulphur retained in ash increases as an exponential function with the increment of Ca/S molar ration of coal.The active parts of the rest basic elements(Mg,Na,K,etc.) can also contribute to sulphur retention.It is implied from the results of this investigation that the sulphur retention behavior of laboratory prepared ash can be applied to fluidized bed combustion and can be used as reference in pulverized coal combustion.

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