何锦林,谭红,赵亚民,姚松林,XIAO Zifan,Oliver Lindquvist,Jonas Sammer.贵州梵净山自然保护区大气汞的沉降[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(2):164-169
- Atmosphere Hg deposition in Guizhou Fanjing Mountain
- 基金项目:国家自然科学基金;国家自然科学基金国际合作项目资助
- XIAO Zifan
- Department of Inorganic Chemistry,Chalmers University of Technology,S-412 96 Goteborg,Sweden
- Oliver Lindquvist
- Department of Inorganic Chemistry,Chalmers University of Technology,S-412 96 Goteborg,Sweden
- Jonas Sammer
- Department of Inorganic Chemistry,Chalmers University of Technology,S-412 96 Goteborg,Sweden
- 摘要:以铜仁汞矿为点源,研究对梵净山汞的辐射、沉降及流通影响。在海拔500m的梵净山定位测定,应用Mosbag方法,评价梵净山Hg的干湿沉降的累积是115μg·m-2·a-1,干沉降大约占总沉降的50%,通过测定苔藓生物量和Hg含量估算Hg的总沉降量为85.0μg·m-2·a-1,Hg的流通量平均为21.0μg·m-2·a-1,Hg的总沉降占总流通量80%.Hg在梵净山沉降累积随高度变化关系明显,海拔2000m以下时汞的沉降累积量较大,和苔藓植物指示汞含量变化关系相一致。
- Abstract:Emission,deposition and fluxes of Hg from point a source in Guizhou Fanjing Mountain was studied through fixing measure.The total Hg deposition fluxes has been observed to be 115μg/(m2·a) using moss bag technique.Dry deposition was corresponded to more than 50% of the total deposition.Total deposition is about 85.0μg/(m2·a) by measuring moss biology and Hg concentration.Hg fluxes is 21.0μg/(m2·a) by average,total Hg deposition is corresponded to 80% of total fluxes.Hg deposition accumulation varies with altitude and Hg deposition rate is high at altitude 2000m,which is consistence with large change of Hg concentration.
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