
  • 刘小波,傅勇坚,肖秋国.煤矸石-石灰石-纯碱烧结过程研究[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(2):210-213

  • 煤矸石-石灰石-纯碱烧结过程研究
  • Sintering process of coal refuse lime stone soda ash
  • 基金项目:煤炭工业部科技发展项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘小波
  • 湘潭工学院化工系,湘潭 411201
  • 傅勇坚
  • 湘潭工学院化工系,湘潭 411201
  • 肖秋国
  • 湘潭工学院化工系,湘潭 411201
  • 摘要:从煤矸石中提取氧化铝、并用残渣直接煅烧硅酸盐水泥熟料,同时将废气、废液循环利用,是煤矸石高附加值、低污染资源化综合利用的新工艺。通过对该工艺的煤矸石 石灰石 纯碱烧结过程固相反应历程的分析和研究,揭示了烧结过程的反应特点,并讨论了烧结温度和烧结时间对氧化铝提取率的影响。当烧结温度为1040℃、烧结时间为80min时,氧化铝的提取率可达到最大值85.2%.
  • Abstract:A comprehensive utilization technology of coal refuse resource was proposed.Alumina was extracted from coal refuse and cement clinker was sintered directly from the residue, at the same time,the waste gas and liquid are circulated.The reaction pathway during the sintering process of coal refuselime sone soda ash was studied.The effects of sintered temperature and time on the extracting rate were discussed.It was demonstrated that the extracting rate can reach 85.2% at 1040℃ for 80min.

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