
  • 徐仁扣,季国亮.酸性溶液中铝-氟反应动力学[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(3):292-296

  • 酸性溶液中铝-氟反应动力学
  • Kinetics of aluminum fluoride complexation in acid solution
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 徐仁扣
  • 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 210008
  • 季国亮
  • 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 210008
  • 摘要:研究了酸性溶液中铝 氟反应的动力学,结果表明,铝 氟之间的反应速率随温度和pH的升高而增加。低pH下以Al3++F-=AlF2+反应为主,较高pH下由于AlOH2+参与反应及OH-的催化作用,反应速率加快。在铝的浓度比氟过量10倍的情况下,铝 氟之间的反应可以用一级反应动力学方程来拟合,即为假一级反应。当pH<3.8时,柠檬酸和草酸的存在使反应速度加快,而当pH>3.8时,有机酸使铝 氟反应速度变慢。有机酸在不同的pH下存在不同的作用机制。
  • Abstract:The results of a study on the kinetic of aluminum fluoride complexation in acid solution indicated that the rate of the reactions increased with an increase of pH and a rise in temperature. At lower pH, the reaction, Al3++F-=AlF2+, was of predominant. At higher pH, the rate increasesd due to the involvement of Al-OH complexes and catalysis of OH-. When the initial concentration of aluminum was 10 times higher than that of fluoride, the reaction rate followed the kinetic equation of the first order reaction. The aluminum fluoride complexation was influenced by organic acids.When pH was lower than 3 8,citric acid and oxalic acid accelerated the aluminum fluoride comple xation,but when pH was higher than 3.8, they slowed down the complexation. A possible mechanism was discussed.

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