
  • 黄志勇,杨惠芳,刘双江.沼泽红假单胞菌H3对酸性红B2GL染料的厌氧脱色和降解作用[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(3):307-312

  • 沼泽红假单胞菌H3对酸性红B2GL染料的厌氧脱色和降解作用
  • The anaerobic decolorization and degradation of acid red B2GL by Rhodopseudomonas palustris H3
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 黄志勇
  • 中国科学院微生物研究所,北京 100080
  • 杨惠芳
  • 中国科学院微生物研究所,北京 100080
  • 刘双江
  • 中国科学院微生物研究所,北京 100080
  • 摘要:从印染厂污泥中分离到一株沼泽红假单胞菌(RhodopseudomonaspalustrisH3),在光照厌氧条件下该菌生长细胞可将100mg/L酸性红B2GL染料去除到30mg/L.完整细胞脱色的最适条件为pH7.0,温度30℃,细胞浓度20-25mg/mL(湿重).低浓度的阳离子对脱色影响不大。在通Ar气使严格厌氧和加有还原性辅酶I的条件下无细胞提取液的脱色活性最高,比活率为1.54×10-2mg/(mg·h).根据降解产物的分析,推断了该菌对酸性红染料的降解代谢途径。
  • Abstract:A strain of Rhodopseudomans palustris with capacity of decolorization was isolated from sludge of printing and dyeing mill. The growing cell could degrade 100mg/L of acid red B2GL to 30mg/L under anaerobic and illuminated conditions, pH 7.0, temperature 30℃ and cell concentration 20.25mg/mL(wet weight) were optimum conditions for decolorization. The low level metal ions appeared little effects on the decolorization. The addition of NADH and ventilation with argon gas could greatly improve the decolonizing activity of cell free extract, and the highest specific activity was 1.54×10-2mg/(mg·h). from chemical analyses of degraded products, a metabolic pathway of acid red B2GL by bacteria H3 was suggested in this paper.

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