- Sensitivity of photobacterial dark mutant for detecting chemical′s mutagenicity
- 谢思琴
- 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 210008
- 顾宗濂
- 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 210008
- 周德智
- 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 210008
- 摘要:报道了明亮发光杆菌T3小种(PhotobacteriumphosphoreumT3sp.)的暗变种T9171菌株对36种不同的有机化合物的致突变效应,与Ames试验比较,结果显示,T9171对其中30种化合物具有阳性效应,阳性检出率为83%,高于Ames试验的阳性检出率(64%),两法检测的吻合率达69%.以两法检测结果一致阳性的受试物最低剂量建立相关方程,其方程式为:CT9171=13.2959+0.0364CAmes,相关系数r=0.623(n=20),经检验两法的相关性达到0.01的显著水平。试验进一步确证利用发光细菌暗变种T9171检测化合物的致突变性,其灵敏度高于Ames试验。
- Abstract:Mutagenicity of Photobacterium phospphoreum T3 sp.dark mutant T9171 on 36 chemicals were studied and compared with that of Ames test.Among them,30 chemical compounds showed positive effects to T9171.The detected positive rate was 83% and was higher than the results of Ames test (64).The tally rate between two methods is 69%.The correlation equation set up by using the lowest dosage for them is as follows: CT9171 =13.2959+0.0364CAmes, r=0.623(n=20). There was a significant correlation between both (p <0.01).
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