
  • 蔡立哲,洪华生,洪丽玉.菲律宾蛤仔对锌、铅的积累特征[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(3):319-322

  • 菲律宾蛤仔对锌、铅的积累特征
  • Accumulation of zinc and lead in Ruditapes philippinarum and its tolerance
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 蔡立哲
  • 厦门大学环境科学研究中心海洋生态环境国家教委开放研究实验室,厦门 361005
  • 洪华生
  • 厦门大学环境科学研究中心海洋生态环境国家教委开放研究实验室,厦门 361005
  • 洪丽玉
  • 厦门大学环境科学研究中心海洋生态环境国家教委开放研究实验室,厦门 361005
  • 摘要:菲律宾蛤仔(RuditapesphilippinarumAdamsetReve(Bivalvia:Veneridae))分别在不同系列Zn和Pb浓度下培养20d,每间隔5d测定菲律宾蛤仔体内Zn、Pb含量。结果表明,菲律宾蛤仔在水体Zn浓度100μg/L以下Zn积累量低,在水体Zn浓度为200μg/L时Zn积累量高。菲律宾蛤仔在水体Pb浓度为32μg/L以下暴露5dPb积累量低,但在水体Pb浓度为32μg/L中暴露15d,菲律宾蛤仔体内Pb含量可达对照组的5倍。可见,菲律宾蛤仔对Zn、Pb的积累量不仅与水体中Zn、Pb浓度有关,而且与暴露时间有关。
  • Abstract:Ruditapes philippinarum Adams et Reeve(Bivalvia:Veneridae)was exposed to a range of dissolved concentrations of Zn and Pb for 20 days.During the exposure,the contents of Zn and Pb in the body of R.philippinarum were measured every five days.The amount of Zn accumulated in R.philippinarum was low when Zn level in exposed water was under 100μg/L,but the amount of Zn accumulated by R.philippinarum was high when Zn level in the water was at 200μg/L.These results showed that R.philippinarum had different accumulating rates at different Zn levels.The amount of Pb accumulated in R.philippinarum was small when Pb level in the water was under 32μg/L at the first five days,but could have reach five times compared with controlled group after exposed 15 days.The present study confirms the ability of R.philippinarum to accumulate dissolved Zn and Pb in proportion to external levels and exposure days.

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