
  • 况昶,程声通,谢卫,苏保林,高诚铁,郑兴毅.环境监测全过程管理信息系统的研究与开发[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(4):427-432

  • 环境监测全过程管理信息系统的研究与开发
  • Resarch on development of full process management system for the environmental monitoring station
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 况昶
  • 清华大学环境工程系,北京 100084
  • 程声通
  • 清华大学环境工程系,北京 100084
  • 谢卫
  • 清华大学环境工程系,北京 100084
  • 苏保林
  • 清华大学环境工程系,北京 100084
  • 高诚铁
  • 厦门市环境监测站,厦门 361004
  • 郑兴毅
  • 厦门市环境监测站,厦门 361004
  • 摘要:考察了环境监测日常业务流程并将其划分为7个步骤,分析了数据流。在此基础上提出了一套技术方案,推荐了实现全过程管理的技术关键,给出了厦门市环境监测全过程管理信息系统的开发实例。该系统已经用于生成环境质量报告书要求的各类报表,管理污染源信息和生成各类地理图形,效果良好。
  • Abstract:The full process of management in the Environmental Monitoring Station (EMS) was investigated, routine taske of EMS were divided into seven steps and the data flow throughout the full process was analyzed. On the basis of the analysis, the technological scheme is put forward, and the resolution to critical issues involved in the implementation of Full Process MIS is recommended. Full Process MIS for Xiamen Environmental Monitoring Station is presented as an example. Currently the system has been put to a good use for producing reports required by Environmental Quality Report, managing pollution sources information, and forming geographical maps.

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