- Meterological indexes of photochemical pollution in Shanghai
- 徐家骝
- 同济大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 200092
- 朱毓秀
- 同济大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 200092
- 摘要:利用1990-1994年地面O3浓度观测和有关气象资料,进行统计处理后,通过深入详细的对比分析,确立了上海市高浓度O3日或光化学污染的12个气象指标,引入权重概念表示各个气象指标对出现高浓度O3日的重要性次序:高压天气、f<60%、NL<2.5/10、Ns<6.0/10,其次是ts≥7h.
- Abstract:Surface ozone concentrations and relevant meteorological data from 1990-1994 were analyzed.Twelve meterorological indexes for high ozone concentration day (photochemical pollution day) were identified.A “weight” concept was into these meteorological indexes to describe the order of importance.It was found that the high pressure weather system was the most important index, f <60%, NL<2.5/10,and NL<6.0/10 were the second-most important indexes,and ts≥7h was the third-most important index. F is the relative humidity measured at 14h; NL and Ns are the average values of four observations a day for the lower cloud cover and the total cloud cover,respectively; ts is the daily sunshine hour.
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