
  • 朱利中,陈宝梁,李铭霞,张孙玮.双阳离子有机膨润土吸附水中有机物的特征及机理研究[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(6):597-603

  • 双阳离子有机膨润土吸附水中有机物的特征及机理研究
  • The characteristics and mechanismsfor dual cation organobentonitesto sorb organic compoundsfrom water
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号29777005)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 朱利中
  • 浙江大学环境科学系,杭州 310028
  • 陈宝梁
  • 浙江大学环境科学系,杭州 310028
  • 李铭霞
  • 浙江大学环境科学系,杭州 310028
  • 张孙玮
  • 浙江大学环境科学系,杭州 310028
  • 摘要:研究了双阳离子有机膨润土吸附水中对硝基苯酚、苯酚、苯胺的特征及机理。结果表明,双阳离子有机膨润土对水中有机物的等温吸附曲线符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温式,是分配作用(partition)和表面吸附(adsorption)共同作用的结果。首次定量描述了分配作用和表面吸附在双阳离子有机膨润土吸附有机物中的相对贡献率;它们均为浓度的函数,在低浓度时,双阳离子有机膨润土对有机物的吸附作用以表面吸附为主;在高浓度时,则以分配作用为主.
  • Abstract:Aseriesofdual cation organo bentonitesaresyn the sized byreplacingthe metalionsin bentonite with both long chain alkyl or aryl quaternary ammonium cations, such as dodecyltrimethylam monium (DTMA), tetradecyltrimethylammonium (TPA), cetyltrimethylam monium (CTMA), octade cyltrimethylammonium (OTMA), andshort chainal kyloraryl quaternaryam monium cations, such aste tramethylammonium (TMA). Theoptimalconditionsandthe propertiesfor dual cation organobentonites to sorb p nitrophenol, phenoland anilinefrom waterareinvestigated.The mechanismsand characteristics of the interactionsbetween organicpollutantsand theorganic phaseofthe bentonitein watersystem are also discussed.The interlayer spacings, organic carbon contents and sorption properties of dual cation organobentonitesare related to the ratio oflong to short chain quaternary ammonium cations, and the length ofalkyl chain of large quater naryammonium cationsexchanging on bentonite.The sorption ofor ganic compoundsto dual cation organobentonitesis also related to the properties oforganic compounds. Sorptioniso therm sofp nitrophenol, phenolandanilinearetypically nonlinear, andtheisothermsfitclosely to Freundlich or Langmuirequation.Both adsorption and partition occurtothe sorption of organic com poundsto dual cation organobentonites.Theseparatecontributionsofadsorptionand partitiontothetotal sorption of organi ccompoundstodual cation organobentonitesareanalyzed mathematically;there lativeef fectisafunction of the equilibrium concentration of the organi ccompounds.

  • 摘要点击次数: 1987 全文下载次数: 4922