
  • 张政程,石勇,李晗,安长发.应用VOF方法对水流中拦油栅拦油失效进行数值模拟尝试[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(6):604-609

  • 应用VOF方法对水流中拦油栅拦油失效进行数值模拟尝试
  • Preliminary numericalsi mulation of boom failure with VOF model
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张政程
  • 北京化工大学化学工程学院,北京 100029
  • 石勇
  • 北京化工大学化学工程学院,北京 100029
  • 李晗
  • 北京化工大学化学工程学院,北京 100029
  • 安长发
  • 加拿大帝国石油公司
  • 摘要:通过自编程序用流体体积分数(VOF)法模拟计算了两种拦油失效的情形:低粘度的油类在水流速度超过某一临界值时发生了油滴夹带失效;粘度很大的油类在水流速度超过临界值时发生了临界累积失效。模拟结果在定性上与已有的实验结果相一致。但计算出的临界水流速度还存在偏差,这将在以后的工作中通过加入湍流作进一步的探讨.
  • Abstract:Floating boomshave been com monly used to contain spilled oilon watersurface, whilefailure often occursincurrents with highvelocity.In order to study boom failure mechanisms, Computational Fluid Dynamics methods have been used by now. As a preliminary application of volume offluid (VOF) modelinself compiled SIMPLEprogram, twocasesofoilfailure weresimulated:whencriticalcurrentve locityisexceeded, dropletentrainment occursforlow viscosity oil while critical accumulation occurs for high viscosity oil.In the computation, fluid flow is simplified to be laminar.The simulation results are qualitativelyidentical with experiment and the simulation results obtained by Dr.C. FAn with Commer cialsoftware, Fluent.Quantitatively, however, our computed criticalcurrentvelocitiesare alittle higher. Turbulence model should be employedin further computationin orderto get moreacceptableresults.

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