
  • 王文军,张学林.松嫩平原西部地区水环境中氟的研究[J].环境科学学报,1999,19(6):662-666

  • 松嫩平原西部地区水环境中氟的研究
  • Fluorinein aquatic environmentin the western region of Songnen Plain
  • 基金项目:中国科学院重大项目(B)KZ9512B12204资助
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王文军
  • 中国科学院长春地理研究所,长春 130021
  • 张学林
  • 中国科学院长春地理研究所,长春 130021
  • 摘要:松嫩平原西部地区水环境中氟的浓度表现为湖泡水和地下潜水大于河水和承压水,且地下潜水制约着湖泡水(咸水泡)的补给。从潜水氟浓度等值线图看出,吉林省西部平原地区最明显表现为潜水氟浓度呈高低相间分布的趋势。从三维立体图看出潜水氟浓度分布总的趋势呈由东、东南向西、西北降低。潜水氟主要来源于松嫩平原周围山地含氟岩矿的风化产物,在自然景观分异、气候、水化学特征和土壤苏打盐渍化过程等因素的影响下,形成了高氟潜水区。本区饮水中氟的浓度与氟斑牙/氟骨症患病率明显相关,具有明显的氟的健康效应.
  • Abstract:In the western region of Songnen Plain, the distribution offluorinein aquaticenvironmentis that the fluorine contentin lake water and unconfined wateris higher than that in river water and confined water.Lake water(saltlake)is controll edand supplied by underground water.Theisogram ofthefluorine contentin underground waterinthe western plain ofJilin Provinceshowsthatthefluorinecontentalter nates with high and low fluorinecontentin unconfined water.The three dimensionaldiagram of the fluo rinecontentshowsthatthetrend of the fluorine content distribution is that it gradually decreasesfrom eastandsoutheastto westand northwestinthe westernregion of the Songnen Plain.Thefluorinein water comesfrom the weathering ofrocksand mineralsinthe mountainsaroundthe Songnen Plain.Underthe influencesof naturallandscape difference, localclimate, hydrochemistry characteristicsandthe strong soil soda salinization, theregion with high fluorine contentin unconfined waterisformed.In the region, the fluorinecontentin drinking waterisevidentlycorrelatedtothe morbidity offluorosis(dentalandskeletal fluorosis).

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