- In vivo formation of 4 aminobiphenyladduct with hemoglobin in rat
- 基金项目:中国科学院基础研究局基金;国家自然科学基金(29837180);生态环境研究中心创新工程基金
- 秦涛
- 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
- 赵立新
- 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
- 徐晓白
- 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
- 摘要:研究了大鼠体内血红蛋白与4氨基联苯加合物(4-ABP-Hb)的生成量随染毒时间与染毒剂量的变化规律。当一次性染毒剂量为1μg/kg(体重)时,加合物生成量的高峰出现在10-15d之间。详细描述了大鼠血样的预处理和测定方法.
- Abstract:There lationships between the amount of hemoglobinadduct for medand the doses with the different methods of a dministration of 4 aminobiphenyltorat were studied.Hemoglobinadductin vivoinrat varied withtime afterexposure.With a dose of1μg/kg(bw.) 4 aminobiphenyl, the maximum formation ofhemoglobin adduct with 4 ABPin rat blood appeared within 10-15 day.The proceduse of pretreat mentofbloodsamplescollectedfrom rats and the determination of hemoglobin adduct were describedin detail.
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