- omparative studiesonthe purification ability ofplantsin differentde gree eutrophic water
- 摘要:为建立净化富营养化水体的生态工程,选择了十余种本地植物,研究各种植物的净化能力和生物生态学特性。结果表明,对于重度富营养水,空心菜的净化效果最好,凤眼莲和鸭跖草其次,灯芯草、知风草和水芹菜也有一定效果;对于轻度富营养化水,鸭跖草、喜旱莲子草最好,凤眼莲、空心菜、酸模叶蓼均较好,石菖蒲、灯芯草、知风草、穹隆苔草、萱草略差,但可四季使用.
- Abstract:For building the ecological engineering to purify the eutrophic water, more than tenlocalplants were selected, and the purification ability and the bio ecologicalcharacter of them were studied.It was foundthatin high degreeeutrophic water, the purification effectof Ipomoea aquatica wasthebest, Eich horniacrassipesand Com melinacom munistooksecond place, Juncussetchuensis, Eragrostisfepathifoli um and Oenanthejavanica also hadsomeeffect;whileinlow degree eutrophic water, Com melinacom munisand Alternanthera philoxeroides werethebest, Ipomoea aquatica, Eichhorniacrassipesand Poly gonum lapathifolium also had good effect, Acorus calamus, Juncussetchuensis, Eragrostis fepathifoli um, Carex gibba and Hemerocallisfulva werelowerthan others, butcould be usedthroughtheyear.
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