- The Numerical Solvers for Atmospheric Chemistry Models
- 摘要:大气化学模式计算的一个重要研究热点是如何快速、精确地对相互关联的非线性常微分方程组(ODEs)进行数值积分求解。由于大气中各物种寿命长短相差很大,导致ODEs具有了很强的刚性,因而在数值求算过程中存在着计算精度和计算效率的平衡问题。笔者介绍了当前几种常见的大气化学模式的计算方法,包括GEAR, QSSA(MQSSA), Y&B(MY&B), RADM, LSODE, SMVGEAR, 小参数法,GongandCho及TWOSTEP等,并结合当前本领域内的部分研究成果对一些重要的方法进行了比较和分析.
- Abstract:The numerical integration of nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is a major problem to atmospheric chemistry models. Because of the great disparities in the rates of the atmospheric chemistry reactions, it is important to find a proper way to accurately and efficiently solve the stiff systems of ODEs. In this paper, several solvers, including GEAR, QSSA (MQSSA), Y&B(MY&B), RADM, LSODE, SMVGEAR, SPM, Gong and Cho, and TWOSTEP, are presented and compared the based on current research achievements in this field.
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