
  • 麦碧娴,林峥,张干,盛国英,闵育顺,傅家谟.珠江三角洲河流和珠江口表层沉积物中有机污染物研究——多环芳烃和有机氯农药的分布及特征[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(2):192-197

  • 珠江三角洲河流和珠江口表层沉积物中有机污染物研究——多环芳烃和有机氯农药的分布及特征
  • Organic contaminants in surface sediments from rivers of the Pearl River Delta and Estuary——The distributions and characteristics of PAHs and organochlorine pesticides
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(49632060和49872092);广东省自然科学基金项目(970575)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 麦碧娴
  • 中科院广州地球化学研究所,广东省环境资源利用与保护重点实验室,广州 510640
  • 林峥
  • 中科院广州地球化学研究所,广东省环境资源利用与保护重点实验室,广州 510640
  • 张干
  • 中科院广州地球化学研究所,广东省环境资源利用与保护重点实验室,广州 510640
  • 盛国英
  • 中科院广州地球化学研究所有机地球化学重点实验室
  • 闵育顺
  • 中科院广州地球化学研究所,广东省环境资源利用与保护重点实验室,广州 510640
  • 傅家谟
  • 中科院广州地球化学研究所有机地球化学重点实验室
  • 摘要:参照美国EPA8000系列方法及质量保证和质量控制,对珠江三角洲河流和珠江口的表层沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)和有机氯农药进行了分析.结果表明,珠江广州河段及澳门内港的PAHs和有机氯农药含量最高;进入狮子洋水道后,污染物的含量显著减少;珠江口西岸污染物的含量高于东岸;西江表层沉积物中优控PAHs的含量相对较高.对多环芳烃的来源也作了初步探讨.
  • Abstract:The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides in surface sediments from rivers of the Pearl River Delta and Estuary were measured,based on USEPA 8000 methods and under quality assurance and quality control (QA/AC).The surface sediments from the Guangzhou channel and inside Macao harbor contained the highest concentration of PAHs and organochlorine pesticides.The concentrations of contaminants were decreasing obviously after flowing into the Zhizi Ocean.The surface sediments from the western sites in the Pearl River Estuary were contaminated much higher than those from the eastern sites.The surface sediments from the West River contained relatively elevated concentrations of priority PAHs.The sources of PAHs in surface sediments were also discussed preliminarily.

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