
  • 毛小苓,倪晋仁,郭雨蓉.经济快速增长地区污水排放特征案例分析[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(2):219-224

  • 经济快速增长地区污水排放特征案例分析
  • A case study on characteristics of wastewater effluents in accelerated economic growth areas
  • 基金项目:欧盟科技合作项目(SEMS2000)资助
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 毛小苓
  • 北京大学环境科学中心, 北京 100871
  • 倪晋仁
  • 北京大学环境科学中心, 北京 100871
  • 郭雨蓉
  • 深圳市环境保护局, 深圳 518006
  • 摘要:以深圳市为例,探索经济快速增长地区污水排放特征,重点关注不同组合规模的企业污水排放与区域整体排污特征的响应关系.“特征企业组合”(可用构成该组合规模的企业个数表征),可以作为衡量区域整体排污特征的特征指标.“特征企业组合”存在的意义在于,当进行区域排污综合分析时,可以不依靠对区域内每一个污染源进行统计,而只需要对其中一部分企业进行统计便可了解区域排污特征,从而为建设项目环保审批部门提供参考依据,为制定区域污染控制策略及区域发展计划提供服务.
  • Abstract:The responses of overall wastewater pollution to the individual wastewater effluents in a specific area are discussed through a case in Shenzhen City where accelerated economic growth has taken place in recent 20 years. The individual enterprises are divided into several groups according to their economic scales. Each group is comprised of a number of enterprises with the similar economic scale. The response characteristics are described by the relationship between two variables, i.e., the number of enterprises and the corresponding average wastewater effluents per 10 thousand yuan product. It is found that there is a critical combination of enterprises in terms of their number, defined as “Characteristic Enterprise Combination” (CEC, in short), at which the curve showing the complicated response function is separated into two parts: the first part primarily reflecting the response to the individual characteristics of the enterprises while the corresponding number or scale is smaller than CEC; however, the second part showing the overall characteristics of the enterprises when the number is larger than CEC. The concept of CEC is useful for the local authorities, particularly for those in rapid development areas, in simplification of pollutant source investigation, monitoring, environmental planning, management and the formulation of pollution control strategies.

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