
  • 霍明昕,刘长松,崔东平.生物转盘动力学分析与数学模式探讨[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(3):299-303

  • 生物转盘动力学分析与数学模式探讨
  • Studies on dynamic analysis and mathematical model of biological contactor
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 霍明昕
  • 吉林建筑工程学院城市建设系, 长春 130021
  • 刘长松
  • 吉林建筑工程学院城市建设系, 长春 130021
  • 崔东平
  • 吉林建筑工程学院城市建设系, 长春 130021
  • 摘要:通过对生产性四级生物转盘进出水中主要污染指标及生物膜特性指标的分析测定,进行了BOD5、COD和挥发酚等污染指标在转盘系统中的降解反应动力学分析,确定了上述污染指标的降解反应级数、反应速率常数及动力学方程式.为寻求能够揭示转盘净化反应实质及其影响因素且简便实用的设计计算公式,根据物料平衡原理和莫诺(Monod)关系式推导出了A/Q(Ln'-1-Ln)=1/P+Ks/PLn的转盘数学模式,利用试验数据计算出各级转盘的动力学参数值.
  • Abstract:Through analyzing and detecting the main indexes of pollution and bio-film of the inflow-water and outflow-water in the productive 4th class biological rotating contactor, the dynamics of the decomposition reaction of the pollution indexes, such as BOD-5, COD and volatile phenol in the biological rotating contactor system was conducted, and the decomposition reaction class and reaction speed of these indexes were determined.So as to seek for more convenient design calculation formula to reveal the factor of the purification reaction of the biological rotating contactor and the factor which can influence the reaction, according to the material balance and monod's relation, the mathematical model of the biological rotating contactor was obtained, that is; A/Q(Ln'-1-Ln) =1/P +Ks/PLn; the experimental data was used to calculate the dynamic parameters of each class of the biological rotaging contactor.It is suggested that the mathematical model and the dynamic parameters in this paper can be used in designing the biological rotating contactor for the wastewater treatment.

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