
  • 陈余道,朱学愚,朱学顺,蒋亚萍,解庆林.岩溶裂隙含水层中石油类污染物的迁移与水力截获[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(4):406-409

  • 岩溶裂隙含水层中石油类污染物的迁移与水力截获
  • Transformations and hydraulic captures of petrochemical contaminants in a karst fractured aquifer
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(49772162;49703045)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈余道
  • 桂林工学院资源与环境工程系, 桂林 541004
  • 朱学愚
  • 南京大学地球科学系
  • 朱学顺
  • 山东省地质环境监测总站
  • 蒋亚萍
  • 桂林工学院资源与环境工程系, 桂林 541004
  • 解庆林
  • 桂林工学院资源与环境工程系, 桂林 541004
  • 摘要:对淄博市岩溶地下水遭受石油类污染的研究结果表明, 在石灰岩含水层中, 岩溶裂隙的发育对石油类污染物侵入地下水的运移过程具有控制作用.石油类污染物沿岩溶裂隙通道运移, 在通道延伸的深部可以有高于浅层的检出.水力截获方法去除地下水中石油类污染物是有效的, 但水力截获孔的布置应就近污染物集中检出带布置, 尽量远离水源地, 并正常运行.
  • Abstract:Transformation and hydroaulic copture of petrochemical contaminants in karst-factured aquifer.In the Dawu Well Field, a karst-fracture aquifer in Zibo City in the east of China, was seriously polluted by petrochemicals from the operating of the Petrochemical Plants. More than 60 species of organic contaminants were detected in the water supply wells in the Liuhang-Hougao zone, in the west part of Dawu Well Field. Investigations indicated that the contaminants were transported from the Petrochemical Plants to the karst-fracture aquifer along karst fractures and the Jinling Fault. In the groundwater, concentrations of pollutants vary with depths. Concentrations are high is the depth because of the transmissibility of the Jinling Fault. Local convective flow field strongly influenced the transportation of contaminants. Hydraulic barriers can prevent the transportation of contaminants and remove them with abstraction.

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