
  • 宣捷.中国北方地面起尘总量分布[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(4):426-430

  • 中国北方地面起尘总量分布
  • Dust emission inventory from ground surfaces in Northern China
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:49775277)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 宣捷
  • 北京大学环境科学中心, 北京100871
  • 摘要:使用美国环保局(USEPA)的两个公式计算了中国北方地面起尘速率(起尘因子)的分布, 为此首先对中国土壤学和气候学的有关参数作了相应的处理.计算结果表明, 在中国北方, 起尘因子自东向西逐渐增大, 其幅度达5个数量级.塔克拉玛干大沙漠和内蒙古高原西部的大戈壁是两个强排放源地, 而其最大值在塔克拉玛干大沙漠的中心:其中PM50(直径小于50μm的颗粒物)的起尘速率为1.8(t/(ha·a)), PM30(直径小于30μm的颗粒物)的起尘速率为1.5(t/(ha·a)).计算得中国北方地面尘排放总量为:43×106t/a(PM50)及25×106t/a(PM30).计算还表明, 春季是起尘最严重的季节, 起尘量占全年起尘量的一半以上.
  • Abstract:Distribution of dust emission rates (dtst emission factors) were calculated with two US EPA formulas by inputting pre-processing Chinese pedological and climatical data.The calculation results show that the dust emission factor increases from east to west of the area by 5 orders.The Takelamagan desert in Xinjiang Province and the Central gobi-desert in west Inner-Mongolia plateau are the two strongest dust emission regions.The maximum emission rate appears in the center of the Takelamagan desert, i.e., 1.8 ton/ha5year for PM50 (particles smaller than 50μm in diameter) and 1.5 ton/ha5year for PM30 (particles smaller than 30μm in diameter).Also, the total amount of dust emitted into the atmosphere from surfaces in Northern China is estimated as 43 million tons per year (for PM50 ) and 25 million tons per year (for PM30 ).Still spring is the worst season for dust emissions, it takes more than half of the annual dust emission amount.

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