
  • 陈英旭,林琦,陆芳,何云峰.有机酸对铅、镉植株危害的解毒作用研究[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(4):467-472

  • 有机酸对铅、镉植株危害的解毒作用研究
  • Study on detoxication of organic acid to raddish under the stress of Pb and Cd
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(29777020);浙江省自然科学基金(297032)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈英旭
  • 浙江大学华家池校区环境保护系, 杭州 310029
  • 林琦
  • 浙江大学华家池校区环境保护系, 杭州 310029
  • 陆芳
  • 浙江大学华家池校区环境保护系, 杭州 310029
  • 何云峰
  • 浙江大学华家池校区环境保护系, 杭州 310029
  • 摘要:通过培养试验研究了有机酸对铅、镉的毒害影响, 结果表明柠檬酸对铅, 酒石酸对镉有较明显解毒作用.用逐步提取法研究萝卜根叶内重金属存在的化学形态, 有机酸处理并不影响各形态铅的优势顺序, 但各形态铅的浓度或相对百分率发生了变化, 柠檬酸处理的萝卜叶片, 活性较低的盐酸提取态铅的百分率增加, 活性较高的乙醇、水、氯化钠提取态下降;镉在萝卜根叶中均以氯化钠提取态为主, 有机酸处理并不改变各形态镉的优势顺序, 酒石酸处理中叶片氯化钠提取态镉较对照有显著下降.
  • Abstract:Effect of organic acid on raddish under the stress of Pb and Cd was studied using hydroponic experiment. The results showed that the detoxication of citrate acid to Pb and tartaric acid to Cd was comparatively distinct. The former was probably due to improvement of transfer from roots to shoots and the latter, diversely, to inhibition of transfer from roots to shoots, thus decreased the accumulation of Cd in shoots. With the studies of heavy metal forms using sequential extraction, it showed that in the roots of raddish, less activable HAc extractable-Pb was dominant and HCl, NaCl extractable-Pb followed. In the shoots, however, HCl extractable-Pb was dominant and NaCl extractable-Pb followed. Treatment of organic acid had no effect on dominant sequence of different Pb forms, but it caused the variance of concentration or percent of different Pb forms. In the shoots with citrate acid treatment, percent of less activable HCl extractable-Pb in creased and relatively higher activable alcohol, water, NaCl extractable-Pb decreased. As for Cd, NaCl extractable-Cd was dominant in both roots and shoots of raddish, Treatment of organic acid also had no effect on dominant sequence of different Cd forms. Compared with check, NaCl extractable-Cd decreased in tartaric acid treatment.

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