
  • 倪晋仁,方圆.湿地泥沙环境动态评估方法及其应用研究——(Ⅰ)理论[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(6):665-669

  • 湿地泥沙环境动态评估方法及其应用研究——(Ⅰ)理论
  • Dynamic environmental assessment for wetland sediments—(Ⅰ) Theory
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金委员会;水利部基金资助项目(59890200)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 倪晋仁
  • 北京大学环境科学中心, 教育部水沙科学重点实验室, 北京100871
  • 方圆
  • 北京大学环境科学中心, 教育部水沙科学重点实验室, 北京100871
  • 摘要:通过类比相邻学科近年来发展的水体快速生物评估的思想, 根据湿地泥沙自身的特点, 提出了一种适用于湿地沉积物的环境质量评价方法———湿地(泥沙)沉积物环境动态评价方法.该方法主要用于湿地环境质量变化趋势的评价, 其最大特色是可以对那些受人为活动影响较大的区域进行快速的动态评估.快速评估的目的在于加速环境质量评估过程, 同时促进后续的管理决策进程.
  • Abstract:A dynamic environmental quality assessment method for wetland sediments is proposed.The method for wetland presented herein is analogized and modified from the rapid biological assessment method for water body.The proposed method retains the most advantages in rapid ecological assessment method but pays more attention in dynamic variations rather than absolute environmental status for wetland sediment, which is particularly appropriate for the coastal areas where accelerated economic development has resulted in continuous environmental change.The proposed method for wetland sediment is one of the biological assessment methods, but it allows for the correlation of community structural chang to environmental quality.Habitats not much impacted by human activities, e.g.longitude, latitude, water saturation, salinity and degrading of sediment granules, could be considered in the environmental factors.The most eminent feature of the method presented in this paper for wetland sediment succeeded from the RBA for water body is its rapidity in speeding up the process of water environmental assessment and promoting the subsequent decision-making.

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