
  • 夏畅斌,何湘柱,史红文.粉煤灰非均相催化H2O2氧化S2-的研究[J].环境科学学报,2000,20(6):794-797

  • 粉煤灰非均相催化H2O2氧化S2-的研究
  • Studies on the oxidation of aqueous sodium sulfide solutions by H2O2 with fly ash as heterogeneous catalyst
  • 基金项目:原煤炭部科技发展项目(97—369)资助
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 夏畅斌
  • 1. 湘潭工学院环化所, 湘潭 411201; 2. 北京科技大学资源工程学院
  • 何湘柱
  • 湘潭工学院环化所, 湘潭 411201
  • 史红文
  • 湘潭工学院环化所, 湘潭 411201
  • 摘要:研究了利用电厂粉煤灰作为过氧化氢催化氧化S2-的非均相催化剂, 试验了各种因素对S2-去除率的影响.结果表明粉煤灰具有良好的催化活性;常温下, 当硫化钠和过氧化氢的起始浓度分别为0.26和0.23mol/L时, 粉煤灰的用量仅为4%(质量分数, %)就可使S2-的去除率提高40%左右;与新灰相比, 旧灰的活性下降了约20%.
  • Abstract:Fly ash out of coal fired thermal power plants used as heterogeneous catalyst in the oxidation of aqueous sodium sulfide solutions with H2O2 in the temperature of 30—50℃ was studied and the effects of various parameters on the removal rate of S2- were tested.The results showed that fly ash has a satisfactory catalytic activation;for an initial Na2S and H2O2 concentration of 0.26mol/L and 0.23mol/L respectively, the removal rates of S2- were intensified about 40 % with only 4 % coal fly ash dosing and the deactivation of the catalytic effect of fresh fly ash was found to be less than about 20 % even after three repeated uses.

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