- The impacts of landfill leachate irrigation on the microbial biomass and activity of enzymes in soil
- 基金项目:国家自然科学基金[39830310];国家自然科学基金[39970144];广东省自然科学基金[990248];华南生物科学与技术研究中心
- 摘要:用粘土和壤土为材料,研究垃圾填埋场渗滤液灌溉对土壤微生物生物量及酶活性的影响,结果表明:经1年的渗滤液浇灌后,土壤中的各种营养元素与对照相比表现出明显的积累效应;渗滤液浇灌后的土壤微生物生物量均以用50%的渗滤液稀释液浇灌处理为最高,种植植物(狗牙根)能促进土壤微生物的活性,从而提高微生物生物量;酶活性变化与此相似,但粘土经渗滤液浇灌后酶活性增强较大,除了原液浇灌处理的过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶活性在α=0.05水平下与对照差异显著;其他酶活性均在α=0.01水平下与对照差异显著.壤土除了多酚氧化酶活性在α=0.01水平下与对照差异显著,其他大多在α=0.05水平下表现出与对照的差异.
- Abstract:Clay soil and loamy soil were used to assess the impacts of landfill leachate irrigation on the microbial biomass and activities of enzymes in soil.The impacts were assessed after one year landfill leachate irrigation, and the results showed that all elements determined, especially in N, P, K, and Na, compared with control treatment, were accumulated considerably in soil, which suggestied that long term landfill leachate irrigation may result in soil salinization.The microbial biomass in the soil irrigated with leachate that diluted with tap water by 50% was higher than that irrigated with raw leachate, planting could improve the activity of microorganism and result in higher microbial biomass.The soil enzymes displayed the similar pattern in activity, however, the greater intensity of enzyme activities was accelerated in clay soil than in loamy soil. T test showed that the differences in all enzyme activities between leachate irrigated clay soil and the control were significant at α =0.01, except for catalase and peroxidase activities in raw leachate irrigated soil, where the differences were significant at α =0 05.But in loamy soil, the majority enzyme activities showed different significantly at α =0.05 between leachate irrigated tratments and control except for polyphenolocidase, it showed different significantly at α =0.01.
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