- An inexact environmental planning method for economic development zone and its application
- 摘要:经济开发区是一种具有很强不确定性的系统,对它的环境规划一直是规划界面临的难题.针对原有方法的缺陷,以经济开发区环境经济系统的集合性、多目标性、动态性和不确定性为出发点,提出了适用于经济开发区的环境经济系统规划方法框架,构造了不确定性多目标混合整数规划(IMOMIP)模型,开发了相应的模型算法,而后应用提出的模型方法对海沧投资区进行了环境规划研究.
- Abstract:There are great uncertainty exists in the process of environmental planning for economic development zone, so it is difficult to generate reasonable and flexible planning schemes because the previously adopted methods and models can not effectively deal with this kind of problem. To improve upon the previous method, this paper proposes a new method framework which can effectively reflect the characteristics of the environmental-economic system of economic development zone. To deal with the problem of integration, multiobjective, dynamic and uncertainty, an inexact multiobjective mixed integer programming (IMOMIP) model as well as the corresponding solution algorithm are developed as the core of the method framework. Finally, the proposed method is applied in the environmental planning for Haichang investment zone. In a word, the new method possess following merits: it can avoid the problem of prediction; An global optimization can be achieved; The problem of uncertainty can be effectively solved; The compromising of different objectives can be attained; it can reflect the dynamic property of the system.
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