
  • 刘振乾,吕宪国.三江平原沼泽湿地污水处理的实地模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(2):-161

  • 三江平原沼泽湿地污水处理的实地模拟研究
  • Field simulation of wastewater treatment in sanjiang plain mire wetlands
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大项目(49890330);中科院资源与生态环境研究重大项目(KZ951-B1-201-02)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘振乾
  • 1. 华南农业大学热带亚热带生态研究所,广州 510642; 2. 中科院长春地理所,中科院长春地理所
  • 吕宪国
  • 中科院长春地理所,中科院长春地理所
  • 摘要:现场模拟发现,沼泽湿地生态系统对污水中N、P的净化速度随时间的延长呈指数规律下降,初期净化效果与污水中N、P的含量为正相关关系.毛果苔草(Carexlasiocarpa)生态系统和乌拉苔草(Carexmeyeriana)生态系统对N、P的去除量大于纯沼泽水,毛果苔草系统又高于乌拉苔草,表明植物种类和重量、泥炭土厚度等都影响净化效率.通过统计显示,毛果苔草生态系统不同组分对N的净化能力大小的排列次序为:茎叶>泥炭>根系>枯落物;对P的净化能力排列次序为:根系>泥炭>茎叶>
  • Abstract:Field simulation showed that the purification speed of the mire wetland ecosystem on N and P of wastewater decreased in exponential function with the extending of experiment period . In the early days, the removal efficiency was positively related with the concentration in the wastewater. The amount of N and P removed by Carex lasiocarpa ecosystem and Carex meyeriana ecosystem were greater than the amount removed by the pure mire water. The purification ability of Carex lasiocarpa ecosystem was higher than that of Carex meyeriana ecosystem, which showed that the purification efficiency was controlled by the kind and dry weight of plant and the depth of peat soil and so on. Statistics demonstrateed the purification contribution of 4 components of Carex lasiocarpa ecosystem on N showed order: stems and leaves > peat soil > roots > dead leaves and stems. on P the order was: root > peat soil > stem and leaf > dead leaf and stem. Based on per unit weight of the 4 components of Carex lasiocarpa ecosystem, the relative proportion for the amount of removed P and N was respectively by the following: for P, peat soil: leaves and stems: dead leaves and stems: roots, 1:1.81:2.95:3.84; for N, peat soil: dead leaves and stems: roots: leaves and stems, 1:1.62:2.00:5 11. Based on per unit weight of Carex lasiocarpa, the amount of absorbed N by the above ground parts was about 2.6 times as that by below ground parts. On the contrary, the amount of absorbed P by the below ground parts is about 2.1 times as that by above ground parts. It is suggested that Carex lasiocarpa shifts nitrogen upwards to above ground parts and phosphorus downwards to below ground parts. The study proposes that how to sufficiently perform the function of wetlands as the “kidney of the nature” is a key issue to improve the quality of local environment, prevent environmental deterioration, strengthen the consciousness of wetland conservation and maintain sustainable development of the region.

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