
  • 张镭,陈长和,李淑霞,张钫.兰州城市主要大气污染治理方案和环境效益[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(2):248-250

  • 兰州城市主要大气污染治理方案和环境效益
  • Main schemes of air pollution control and their environmental benefit in Lanzhou
  • 基金项目:甘肃省环境科学基金资助项目(GH932;GH9913)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张镭
  • 兰州大学大气科学系,兰州 730000
  • 陈长和
  • 兰州大学大气科学系,兰州 730000
  • 李淑霞
  • 兰州市环保局
  • 张钫
  • 兰州市煤气厂
  • 摘要:根据兰州市经济技术条件,提出多种大气污染治理工程方案.用数值模式计算分析了这些单项方案和综合方案可减少的大气污染物排放量和空气质量改善程度.推荐了当前可行的投资低、环境效益好的优化综合方案.该综合方案可使兰州市区空气中SO2浓度下降24.6%-75.4%,TSP下降10.4%-45.4%;除少数网格点外,SO2浓度都不出现超标.
  • Abstract:In view of the economic and technological conditions of Lanzhou several air pollution control schemes were suggested.By means of numerical modeling the proposed reduction of pollutant discharge and the corresponding air quality improvement made by each air pollution control scheme were calculated, thus a feasible and comprehensive air pollution control scheme is worked out.The scheme can reduce the concentration of SO2 and TSP by 24.6%-75.4% and 10.4%-45.4% respectively, therefore, the SO2 concentration of the whole city does not exceed the second grade of the Ambient Air Quality Standard of China except quite a few of grids.

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