
  • 刘疆鹰,徐迪民,赵由才,黄仁华,周海燕,张军.大型垃圾填埋场渗滤水氨氮衰减规律[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(3):323-327

  • 大型垃圾填埋场渗滤水氨氮衰减规律
  • Natural reduction of ammonia-N in leachate of large-scale landfill
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:59778016和2977019);上海市环境卫生管理局资助项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘疆鹰
  • 同济大学污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室,上海 200092
  • 徐迪民
  • 同济大学科研处
  • 赵由才
  • 同济大学污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室,上海 200092
  • 黄仁华
  • 上海市环卫局废弃物处置公司
  • 周海燕
  • 上海市环卫局废弃物处置公司
  • 张军
  • 上海市环卫局废弃物处置公司
  • 摘要:大型试验场((3000×4)m3)中填入10800t垃圾,对试验场渗滤液氨氮质量浓度进行长达3.5年的测定(1-2周测定一次),建立了填埋场渗滤液NH3N质量浓度随时间变化的数学模型,并利用模型预测了上海老港填埋场渗滤液NH3N质量浓度通过自然衰减达到排放标准所需时间,同时提出填埋场的规划和设计可以由传统的渗滤液及时外排处理式转变为不及时外排,使其在填埋场内NH3N质量浓度大幅度自然衰减后抽出处理,这样可以大量节省费用
  • Abstract:A large-scale testing landfill((3000×4)m3)was filled with 10800 tons of refuse.The Ammonia-N concentration of leachate was analysed every one to two weeks lasting for 3.5 years.A mathematical model was established to simulate the relationship of the Ammonia-N value and time.It was found that Ammonia-N Value would be reduced to 25mg/L after 21 years.The result indicated that it. If the current landfilling design and operating processes were modified,from discharging leachate promptly to discharging leachate after some time,so as to make Ammonia-N concentration decrease naturally to some level,the manpower and material could be economized greatly and the operating processes could be simplified.

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