
  • 方凤满,王起超,李东侠,汪丽英,赵国君.长春市大气颗粒汞污染特征及影响因子分析[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(3):368-372

  • 长春市大气颗粒汞污染特征及影响因子分析
  • Characteristics of particulate mercury pollution in atmosphere of Changchun and the affecting factors
  • 基金项目:国家“九五”科技攻关项目(969110505);中国科学院长春地理所所长基金项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 方凤满
  • 中国科学院长春地理所,长春 130021
  • 王起超
  • 中国科学院长春地理所,长春 130021
  • 李东侠
  • 长春市环境监测中心站
  • 汪丽英
  • 长春市环境监测中心站
  • 赵国君
  • 长春市环境监测中心站
  • 摘要:应用大流量大气采样器采集的TSP样品测定了长春市4个功能区及一个对照点的大气颗粒汞浓度.结果表明,大气颗粒汞体积浓度(Cv)与单位重量颗粒物上的汞含量(Cm)在时间上呈相似的变化趋势,采暖期高于非采暖期.而在空间上则相反,Cv市区大于对照点,对Cm则对照点大于市区,说明了大气颗粒汞主要结合在细粒径的颗粒物上.TSP与大气颗粒汞浓度呈正相关关系,它是大气颗粒汞浓度的决定性因素;降水是影响大气颗粒汞的主要气象因子,燃煤与地
  • Abstract:The total suspended particulate matter(TSP) collected by high-volume sampler was used to determine the particulate Hg of four function sites and one contrast site in Changchun.Experimental results indicated that the value of volume concentraiton and mass concentration of each site in heating time is higher than those of nonheating time.Volume concentration of urban is higher than that of contrast site,and mass concentration of urban lower than that of contrast site,which illustrates that particulate Hg was mainly combined with fine particulate.TSP is the critical factor of particulate Hg;precipitation is the main meterological factor affecting Hg(p) concentration in the atmosphere;coal combustion and wind-blown soil material are the important sources of particulate Hg in the atmosphere.

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