
  • 张惠源,王榕树,林灿生,张先业.新型环境材料提铯离子筛的铯离子交换性能初探[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(4):496-500

  • 新型环境材料提铯离子筛的铯离子交换性能初探
  • Study on the cesium ion exchange of a new ecomaterials cesium ion-sieve
  • 基金项目:国家“863”计划新材料领域项目(批准号863715004220);国家自然科学基金(批准号29971022)资助课题
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张惠源
  • 天津大学化学工程学院,天津 300072
  • 王榕树
  • 天津大学化学工程学院,天津 300072
  • 林灿生
  • 中国原子能科学研究院,北京 102413
  • 张先业
  • 中国原子能科学研究院,北京 102413
  • 摘要:研究了提铯离子筛的颗粒性质对铯离子的交换容量和分配系数的影响,以及提铯离子筛在强酸介质中的稳定性和交换性能;探讨了在大量氢离子或钠离子存在时提铯离子筛对铯离子的选择性.实验结果表明提铯离子筛为多孔无定形物质,其对铯离子的交换容量和分配系数,随着颗粒粒度的减小而增加,但是酸度和钠离子的的影响有限.在与模拟高放废液的静态交换中,提铯离子筛对铯离子的交换率可高达96%以上,基本达到了从高放废液中提取137Cs的指标.
  • Abstract:The effect of particle size on cesium ion exchange capacity IEC(Cs+) and distribution coefficient Kd(Cs+) of cesium ion sieve (Cs-IS) was investigated, as well as the stability in acid of Cs IS, and its selectivity for cesium ion in the presence of excessive Hsup>+ or Na+. The results and SEM photos showed that Cs-IS is amorphous, and its IEC(Cs+) and Kd(Cs+) increase with the decrease of particle size. In spite of the competition of concentrated Hsup>+ or Na+, Cs-IS still holds about 0.9 mmol/g IEC(Cs+) in 13.24mmol/dm3 concentration CsNO3 solution and 3.90×104cm3/g Kd(Cs+). In the static exchange with the simulated strong acidic HLLW, Cs IS exhibits much higher cesium ion exchange rate than that on its matrix and other cesium selective inorganic ion exchangers.

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