
  • 亢燕铭,李世龙.荷电喷雾脱硫实验与机理分析[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(5):538-543

  • 荷电喷雾脱硫实验与机理分析
  • Experimental and theoretical analysis of flue gas desulfurization by charged water and slurry droplets
  • 基金项目:陕西省教委专项科研基金(99JK205);工业环境保护国家工程研究中心联合资助项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 亢燕铭
  • 东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 200051
  • 李世龙
  • 工业环境保护国家工程研究中心,北京 100088
  • 摘要:对湿法烟气脱硫系统引入静电效应后产生的脱硫增益作用进行了实验测定.清水水雾和石灰液浆滴荷电前后的脱硫效率比较实验结果表明,对于中等SO2浓度,这种效应可使雾滴或浆滴脱硫效率增加8个百分点左右.理论分析指出,荷电对强化烟气脱硫是有益的,雾滴或浆滴带电后本质上提高了雾滴的表面活性,改善了脱硫通道中雾滴的弥散程度,从而加速了SO2的吸收进程.
  • Abstract:The enhancement of SO2 absorption efficiencies in a wet flue gas desulfurization system are investigated by introducing electrostatic effect. SO2 absorption efficiencies by water and lime slurry droplets, with and without charges, are compared, and the results indicate that an increment of 8 percent in SO2 removal efficiency can be obtained with a middle initial concentration of SO2. The analysis shows that net charges on water and slurry droplets are beneficial for SO2 capture. The electrostatic effect can improve surface chemical activity and the distributional uniformity of the droplets in the absorption chamber.

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