
  • 王丽花,周鸿,张晓健,王占生.水源水中有机物特性及其氯化活性研究[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(5):573-576

  • 水源水中有机物特性及其氯化活性研究
  • Characteristics and chlorination activity of dissolved organic matter fractions in surface source water
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王丽花
  • 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
  • 周鸿
  • 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
  • 张晓健
  • 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
  • 王占生
  • 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
  • 摘要:以西南某市一个地表水为水源水的M水厂为研究对象,对其原水中有机物进行富集.有机物按照操作定义分为6个部分,分别为:亲水性有机酸、亲水性有机碱、亲水中性物质、疏水性有机酸、疏水性有机碱和疏水中性物质.通过富集,确定了原水中6种有机物的组成分布,研究各种有机物的消毒副产物形成潜力以及替代消毒剂(氯胺、二氧化氯)对卤乙酸形成的影响,提出了控制消毒副产物的主要对策.研究结果表明:1)M水厂水源水属于高腐殖质含量的天然水体,受污染较小;2)原水溶解性有机物中疏水性有机酸是卤乙酸的主要前体物.3)用氯胺和二氧化氯代替传统的消毒剂作为替代消毒剂,可大大降低THMs和HAAs的生成量.
  • Abstract:Dissolved organic matter (DOM) from a surface source water of M water treatment plant(WTP) in a city of southwest of China was isolated and fractionated using resin adsorption into six different fractions. These fractions are operationally categorized as hydrophilic acid, hydrophilic base, hydrophilic neutral, hydrophobic acid (including humic acid and fulvic acid), hydrophobic base and hydrophobic neutral. The mass and haloacetic acids formation potential of each fraction was studied in this paper. The results showed: 1) The hydrophobic acid fraction was found to be the most fraction in the source water. 2) For the source water studied, the hydrophobic acid fraction was found to be the most reactive precursor to the haloacetic acids (HAAs) formation. 3) The use of alternate disinfectants monochloramine, chlorine dioxide can control of the concentration haloacetic acids.

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