
  • 杨志辉,李辉勇,熊远福,刘军鸽,葛旦之.淹水土壤中Se(Ⅵ)还原反应的机理及条件[J].环境科学学报,2001,21(6):742-747

  • 淹水土壤中Se(Ⅵ)还原反应的机理及条件
  • Mechanism and condition of Se(Ⅵ) reduction in flooded soils
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:39670424)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杨志辉
  • 湖南农业大学资源环境学院,长沙 410128
  • 李辉勇
  • 湖南农业大学理学院,长沙 410128
  • 熊远福
  • 湖南农业大学理学院,长沙 410128
  • 刘军鸽
  • 湖南农业大学理学院,长沙 410128
  • 葛旦之
  • 湖南农业大学资源环境学院,长沙 410128
  • 摘要:通过红黄泥和紫潮泥两种土壤淹水培养和硒的价态测定结果表明:在450mV培养下,外加Se(Ⅵ)第1天有57.2%仍保持Se(Ⅵ),23.4%还原为有机Se,培养过程中Se(Ⅵ)呈稳定态,有机Se则氧化成Se(Ⅵ),反应为准一级动力学方程;在175mV培养下,外加Se(Ⅵ)第1天有81.8%还原为有机Se,8.9%为Se(Ⅵ),培养过程中有机Se呈稳定态,Se(Ⅵ)则还原为Se(Ⅳ),反应符合动力学一级方程.土壤中Se(Ⅵ)Se(Ⅳ)体系氧化还原反应的临界电位为71.4mV-206.1mV(pH7.0),土壤pH上升1个单位,电位相应降低40.1mV.Se(Ⅵ)Se(Ⅳ)体系在土壤氧化还原顺序中的反应次序居锰体系之后,与铁体系平行.
  • Abstract:Two soils, red soil and alluvial soil, with added Se were flooded for 24 days, samples were taken at various time intervals and analyzed the Se species.The Results showed that under higher redox potential ( Eh=450mV), 57.2% of the added Se (Ⅵ) remained un-changed, and 23.4% converted to organic form at the first day. Then the organic Se was oxidized into Se(Ⅵ),which followed pseudo first order kinetics. Under lower redox potential ( Eh=175mV), 81.8% of the added Se(Ⅵ) converted to stable organic Se, and only 8.9% remained Se (Ⅵ) at the first day; then Se (Ⅵ) was reduced to Se(Ⅳ) which followed first order kinetics. The critical redox potential of Se(Ⅵ)/ Se(Ⅳ) varied from 71.4 mV to 206.1 mV. Redox potential decreased 40.1 mV with every unit increase in pH. The reduction of Se(Ⅵ) to Se(Ⅳ) followed the reduction of MnO2, and paralleled that of Fe(Ⅲ).

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