
  • 金鹏康,王晓昌.腐殖酸混凝过程FI曲线的特征参数分析[J].环境科学学报,2002,22(4):423-427

  • 腐殖酸混凝过程FI曲线的特征参数分析
  • An analysis of characteristic parameters of FI curve for coagulation of humic acid
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(50010130460)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 金鹏康
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,西安 710055
  • 王晓昌
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,西安 710055
  • 摘要:在pH=50条件下,通过PDA2000对腐殖酸的混凝过程进行了在线监测,并对PDA输出信号———FI曲线进行了解析,分析了FI曲线的特征参数s、h、t1、t2与投药量及絮凝体大小之间的关系.FI曲线与混凝过程中絮凝体粒径变化曲线具有相同的趋势,其特征参数s和h与絮凝体最大成长粒径几乎成正比关系.FI曲线及其特征参数受混凝剂投药量的影响很大,其变化情况与胶体稳定情况(ζ电位)及混凝效果(TOC去除率)具有良好的相关性.
  • Abstract:Online monitoring of coagulation process was conducted using PDA2000 for removal of humic acid at pH=5.0. The PDA output (FI curve) was analyzed and the relations between the parameters (s, h, t1 and t2) of FI curve and floc size were studied at different alum doses.The results showed that the FI curves have the same trend of variation to that of floc size. The maximum floc size is almost proportional to s and h, and the alum dose affects the shape of FI curve and its characteristic parameters. A correlative relationship was found among FI curve and colloidal stability (ζ potential) and TOC removal.

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