- The road traffic noise exposure patterns of the residential areas in compact and high-rise city and their applications to SEA
- 基金项目:香港研究资助局资助项目(403697H);教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目
- 马蔚纯
- 复旦大学环境科学与工程系,上海 200433
- 陈立民
- 复旦大学环境科学与工程系,上海 200433
- 摘要:分析了高密度城市道路交通噪声分布的特点,从噪声接受点评价的观点出发,以香港地区为例,研究不同建筑形态道路交通噪声的典型分布.基本方法是采用简化的DoT模型计算道路交通噪声,以基于GIS的道路交通噪声评价预测系统为工具计算不同建筑类型各单元的噪声级,再统计出各型建筑的噪声分布.通过KolmogorovSmirnov检验证实这些分布来自于不同总体,具有显著的差异.将上述计算结果运用于香港新界西北地区道路交通噪声的战略环境评价.
- Abstract:In this paper, the authors first summarized the characteristics of the road traffic noise distributions in compact and high rise cities. And then based on noise immission and employed Hong Kong as an example, the authors calculated the noise exposure patterns of different building types (symbolized by the different plot ratios). Kolmogorov Smirnov two sample test was used to testify that these patterns come from different populations and have significant differences. At last, the above calculation results were applied to the strategic road traffic noise assessment in North west New Territories in Hong Kong.
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