
  • 赵国华,朱仲良,胡惠康,高廷耀.两维紫外吸收光谱解析有机污染物降解动力学过程[J].环境科学学报,2002,22(5):625-629

  • 两维紫外吸收光谱解析有机污染物降解动力学过程
  • Two-way UV spectroscopic study on kinetic process of electrocatalytic degradatoin of organic pollutants
  • 基金项目:2001年度留学回国人员科研启动基金项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵国华
  • 同济大学化学系,上海 200092
  • 朱仲良
  • 同济大学化学系,上海 200092
  • 胡惠康
  • 同济大学化学系,上海 200092
  • 高廷耀
  • 同济大学城市污染控制国家工程中心,上海200092
  • 摘要:通过解析降解反应过程中测得的两维紫外吸收光谱,可较简便地获得有关污染物降解的动力学模型、速率常数等动力学信息.研究结果表明,苯酚在Ti-SnO2 +Sb2O3电极上的电催化降解反应是按串连反应动力学模型进行的,降解中必须经历有紫外吸收的芳香中间体生成过程.中间产物的产生和进一步氧化分解的速率在较大程度上决定了电极对有机污染物的电催化降解效率.阴极对整个电催化降解过程影响较小.
  • Abstract:The two way UV spectroscopic data were used obtain information about the kinetic process of organic pollutants dagradation of. The results indicated that the electrocatalytic dagradation of phenol on Ti/SnO2 +Sb2O3 eletrode accorded with the consecutive model and the intermediate of quinone appeared in the degradation precess. The appearance of intermediate and its degradation rate influenced the electrolytic degradation efficiency of organic pollutants graatly. The electrolytic degradation process was almost not affected by cathodic reaction.

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